Producers: Aulia Kahfi Rakyat Farm and neighboring outgrowers
Location: Sumatra, Bebesen
Processing: Anaerobic fermentation
Cultivars: Farm blend
Ripe banana, pink grapefruit, fine dark chocolate, Cabernet Sauvignon
Aulia cultivates coffee on Rakyat Farm, which he inherited from his family. He has been involved in coffee production since his early teens but has always had a unique interest in specialty coffee. Since specialty coffee was not in high demand in his area during his teenage years, Aulia spent several years mining and selling Vesuvianite, a precious stone often found near volcanoes. He has since returned to coffee production.
Aulia selectively handpicks ripe, red cherry, or purchases cherry from neighboring farmers. For this 'Winey' lot, cherry is washed and then fermented for 20 to 25 days. After fermentation, the cherry is washed again and then laid to slowly dry until it reaches the correct humidity. Aulia rakes coffee frequently to ensure even drying.